20-078 - 1090 Portland Avenue - Plan Review - Bandon Beach Hotel APPEAL

notice of appeal


Scheduled for: March 29, 2021 @ 1:30 PM

Continued to April 12th, at 7:00 PM

​The record for this application is closed. 

The City Council held an appeal of the Plan Review approval for 20-078 on March 29th, 2021 at 1:30 PM, over Zoom. The appeal was held as a de novo public hearing. A request was made to leave the record open for additional written evidence, arguments or testimony, for seven days (April 5, 2021). The applicant may then submit a final written argument, which shall not include any new evidence. The Council is expected to make a decision at their April 12th, 2021 meeting at 7:00 PM over Zoom. 

To submit something to the Record, please email planning@cityofbandon.org

More information about the Conduct of local quasi-judicial land use hearings can be found be reviewing Oregon Revised Statute 197.763.